7-month CD special thru 8-1-24

OC Healthy Lesson 15: How To Get More Active

In OC Healthy by Dustin Bratcher

This week Tiffany and Angie talk to Alyssa Rhoads who discusses her weight loss journey which led her to becoming a certified personal trainer and a yoga instructor at the Ohio County Family Wellness Center.

Alyssa shares her story of significant weight loss and her tips and tricks to getting more active and to tailor certain activities and exercises to folks who might not be ready to do certain things.

Previous OC Healthy lessons and posts:

OC Healthy Recipe: Peanut Butter Power Bites

OC Healthy 14: The Importance of Sleep

OC Healthy Recipe: Jars, Prepping & Storing

OC Healthy Lesson 13: How to Get Support

OC Healthy Lesson 12: How to Take Charge of Our Thoughts

OC Healthy Recipe: Avocado & Tomato Salad

OC Healthy Lesson 11: How To Manage Stress

OC Healthy Lesson 10: Cooking Healthy

OC Healthy Lesson 9: Shopping Healthy

OC Healthy Lesson 8: Burning more calories than you take in

OC Healthy Lesson 7: Coping With Triggers

OC Healthy 6: Eating Well Away From Home

OC Healthy Lesson 5: Tracking Your Food

OC Healthy Lesson 4: How To Build A Healthy Meal

OC Healthy Lesson 3: Tracking Your Activity

OC Healthy Lesson 2: How To Get Active

OC Healthy – Lesson 1 – What To Expect/How To Begin

OC Healthy announcement
