7-month CD special thru 8-1-24

OC Healthy Recipe: Jars, Prepping & Storing

In OC Healthy by Dustin Bratcher

This week’s video is informational with a recipe or two thrown in as Tiffany Calvert discusses how she uses jars to store food, drinks, and snacks she uses almost every day.

She goes over how she does a little preparing over the weekend and stores food and snacks she and her family will use all week long in the refrigerator. These healthy snacks can then be available as a substitute for the handy, but unhealthy snacks we might be used to eating.


Previous OC Healthy lessons and posts:

OC Healthy Lesson 13: How to Get Support

OC Healthy Lesson 12: How to Take Charge of Our Thoughts

OC Healthy Recipe: Avocado & Tomato Salad

OC Healthy Lesson 11: How To Manage Stress

OC Healthy Lesson 10: Cooking Healthy

OC Healthy Lesson 9: Shopping Healthy

OC Healthy Lesson 8: Burning more calories than you take in

OC Healthy Lesson 7: Coping With Triggers

OC Healthy 6: Eating Well Away From Home

OC Healthy Lesson 5: Tracking Your Food

OC Healthy Lesson 4: How To Build A Healthy Meal

OC Healthy Lesson 3: Tracking Your Activity

OC Healthy Lesson 2: How To Get Active

OC Healthy – Lesson 1 – What To Expect/How To Begin

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