OC Healthy – Lesson 1 – What To Expect/How To Begin

In Local, News, OC Healthy by Dustin Bratcher

By: Dustin Bratcher / Ohio County Monitor

We have finally made it to Lesson 1 of our OC Healthy program.

While last week was an introduction to the OC Healthy program, this video focuses on what to expect as we are working through the Prevent T2 Curriculum from the CDC and how to begin the program.

In this video Tiffany and Angie tell you what to expect from OC Healthy and how to begin with the program to get healthier.

When beginning the OC Healthy program consider what it is you would like to achieve. For example, if you are looking to lose weight, consider downloading a weight loss app where you can log your food intake and exercise or simply keeping a log in a notebook. If you want to get more active, consider various fitness apps.

As we have mentioned before, the Prevent T2 program that is the basis for OC Healthy is a really good way to get healthier in general as well as preventing the onset of Type 2 diabetes. Once you download the Prevent T2 Curriculum from the CDC, you’ll have the guideline and the OC Healthy videos will help you along the way and branch out into many other aspects of getting healthy and staying healthy.

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