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OCH begins initial rounds of vaccinations

In Local, News by OC Monitor Staff

Ohio County Judge-Executive David Johnston (Photo courtesy of OCH.)

HARTFORD, Ky. — Ohio County Healthcare began its eagerly awaited COVID-19 vaccinations Monday.

Several Ohio County frontline healthcare workers began the Christmas holiday with the gift of receiving the COVID-19 vaccination, as 500 does of the Moderna vaccination arrived at OCH Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2020. Three full vials, which provides 30 total vaccinations, were given to frontline workers Christmas Eve morning.

Dr. Elizabeth Ottman, OCH’s Chief of Surgery (Photo courtesy of OCH.)

The first to receive the vaccination was Elizabeth Ottman, MD, OB-GYN and OCH’s Chief of Surgery.

“I urge all my patients to get the vaccination,” Dr. Ottman said. “While these vaccinations seem new, in reality, immunization research on several types of messenger RNA vaccines have been in production for years. It is only recently that a strong enough one was developed to specifically fight COVID-19.”

mRNA vaccines do not put a weakened or inactivated virus into the body like traditional immunizations. Instead, they teach the body’s cells to make a protein that can trigger an immune response if the real virus enters the body. Dr. Ottoman recorded an informational publi service announcement that can be viewed on the OCH Facebook page.

Also included in the first round of vaccinations were several essential workers including 18 Comcare EMS ambulance service employees, Ohio County Judge-Executive David Johnston and Ohio County Emergency Management Director Charlie Shields. Additionally, several OCH frontline nurses and other clinical positions were vaccinated.

Ohio County EMA Director Charlie Shields (Photo courtesy of OCH.)

“These vaccinations serve as hope for the return to our more normal way of living which is in community with each other,” said Jim Duke, Comcare President.  “It was vitally important for the EMS service to receive the first round of vaccinations as we are often in close proximity in  confined spaces with potential and/or diagnosed COVID-19 patients.”

Comcare EMS President Jim Duke (Photo courtesy of OCH.)

Several participants reported feeling no side effects, while some reported mild soreness at the injection site and minor achiness/fatigue.

“I hope that by setting the example of getting the vaccination that it will encourage other to receive it,” said Johnston. “I have confidence that this vaccine is key, along with masking and social distancing, in keeping our citizens safe and our businesses open.”

OCH plans to continue Tier 1 vaccinations this wee of employees who work directly with patients. Tier 2 vaccinations of non-clinical employees starting with those who are considered high-risk will begin Monday, Jan. 4, 2021.