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Don’t forget to ‘fall back,’ Daylight Savings Time ends tonight

In Local, News by OC Monitor Staff

Don’t forget to “fall back” Saturday night.

OHIO COUNTY, Ky. — It’s that time of year again, as the days become shorter and the leaves begin to fall, we need to remember to set our clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday night, Oct. 31.

Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday morning, Nov. 1, and those who remember to fall back will gain an extra hour of sleep. Or an extra hour to stay up late, whichever you choose to do.

Most smartphones and other devices will fall back automatically, but double-check just in case.

The federal government first enacted Daylight Savings Time back in 1918, to save coal during World War I. Daylight Savings Time was only supposed to be in effect until the end of WWI, and some did end it, but many areas of the country continued the practice. The government reinstated it in 1926. It was later expanded to last eight months a year in 2007.