$3 million in homeland security grants awarded throughout Kentucky

In News, State by OC Monitor Staff

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Andy Beshear and the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security announced today 25 grants totaling more than $3 million from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s State Homeland Security Grant Program to help local governments prepare for and counter acts of terrorism in the commonwealth.

“If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the value of being prepared before a crisis strikes,” said Gov. Beshear. “These much needed grants will help Kentucky communities prepare for, respond to and recover from events we pray never happen.”

This year, KOHS will administer $3,084,888 in SHSGP grants to city and county governments, school districts, hazardous materials teams, emergency medical services, law enforcement agencies, and an area development district. KOHS received 103 applications requesting more than $10.4 million, more than triple the amount of available funds.

Grants were awarded in five categories:

• Cyber security enhancement, including election security
• Emergent threats
• Soft targets/crowded spaces, including election security
• Communications
• First responders

“The threat landscape continues to evolve, posing unique challenges for local communities in preparing against threats of terrorism,” said Kentucky Homeland Security Advisor Josh Keats. “Focusing limited dollars to areas facing the greatest need ensures the greatest value to our first responders and the people they serve.”

For a complete listing of 2020 SHSGP awardees, visit: http://homelandsecurity.ky.gov/Pages/Grants.aspx.