7-month CD – Peoples Bank

OC Fiscal Court changes schedule for remainder of 2018

In Local, News by OC Monitor Staff

HARTFORD, Ky. — Ohio County Judge-Executive David Johnston’s Office has announced a change to the Ohio County Fiscal Court’s meeting schedule for the rest of the year.

In an email received this morning, Johnston’s Office rescheduled the fiscal court meetings from the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month to the third Tuesday of the month. This will mean the fiscal court will meet just once a month instead of twice a month. The new schedule will be in effect for August, September, October, November and December of 2018. Even though the meetings schedule has been changed, the fiscal court will continue to meet at 5 p.m.

The new fiscal court meeting dates will be Aug. 21, Sept. 18, Oct. 16, Nov. 20 and Dec. 18.

Anyone who needs to be placed on the fiscal court’s agenda must contact Ohio County Fiscal Court Clerk Miranda Funk, in the Judge-Executive’s Office, the Friday before the fiscal court meeting. Any requests after Friday will be placed on the next meeting’s agenda.

The fiscal court will meet at 5 p.m. tonight.

To view the agenda for tonight’s fiscal court meeting, click here.