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OC Sheriff warns residents about the ‘Grandparent Scam’

In Local, News by OC Monitor Staff

HARTFORD, Ky. — The Ohio County Sheriff’s Office is warning residents about an old scam making its way back to Ohio County called the Grandparent Scam.

According to the OCSO, residents have received calls recently from subjects claiming to be holding a grandchild, or claiming to be the grandchild of the person answering the phone, and begging for money to get them out of trouble. The victims are asked, and begged, not to tell anyone so they won’t get in more “trouble.”

One resident spent over a day trying to gather over $4,000 in Wal-Mart gift cards before realizing this was a scam.

If you receive a call of this nature, call the OCSO at 270-298-4444. The Sheriff’s Office wants to help residents before they become a victim of this type of scam.

Be sure to share this information with family, friends and neighbors so they may be aware.