Ohio Co. Water District, EMA to pass out bottled water in Rosine

In Local, News by OC Monitor Staff

ROSINE, Ky. — Due to the Boil Water Advisory affecting Ohio County Water District customers served by the Windy Hill and Olaton water tanks, the OCWD and Ohio County Emergency Management will pass out bottled water to residents.

The OCWD and OC EMA will pass out bottled water from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial of Rosine at 35 N. McHenry St. in Rosine.

Use extra caution when driving in that area during this time due to the extra traffic. Ohio County Sheriff’s deputies will be in the area to provide extra patrol and help with traffic.

OCWD will also provide a location for customers to pick-up 400 gallons or more of water. You must call the OCWD office to make arrangements to pick up bulk quantities of water.
For more information or to schedule a bulk pick-up call the OCWD at 270-298-7704 and press the number 2 on your touchpad.
OCWD office hours are 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday and from 8 a.m.-noon Saturday.