HARTFORD, Ky. — The Hartford Police Department is asking the public for help in finding a suspect involved in a hit and run wreck in Hartford.
According to the HPD, a hit-and-run incident occurred around 8:15 a.m. Monday on Gillespie St. in Hartford. Officers located the vehicle that left the scene behind a house on Smith St. The vehicle was partially covered by a tarp and had damage consistent with the wreck.
After interviewing the residents of the house and checking the registration information, the HPD confirmed the driver of the vehicle was Cody M. Davidson, 27, of Utica. The residents said that after Davidson arrived at the residence, he fled on foot.
Witnesses from the scene, along with nearby residents, reported seeing a male fitting Davidson’s description driving the vehicle and said it left the road and drove through numerous yards on Gillespie and Smith Streets.
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Davidson, contact Ohio County Dispatch at 270-298-4411, the HPD at 270-298-3379, or send a message to the HPD’s Facebook page.