Resurrection-A Journey Tribute canceled for Saturday

In Local, News by OC Monitor Staff

BEAVER DAM, Ky. — The Beaver Dam Tourism Commission has released a statement canceling the Resurrection – A Journey Tribute concert scheduled for tomorrow night, Sept. 14, at the Beaver Dam Amphitheater.

According to the statement released by the BDTC, “due to an unfortunate illness with the lead singer of the band, Saturday’s Resurrection – A Journey Tribute concert at the DAM has been canceled. This is an unavoidable circumstance, and we wish him a speedy recovery.”

The statement also says refunds to all ticket purchasers are coming, but it may take some time for the refunds to come.

The band also said, “We want to apologize to our fans for the unfortunate circumstance. Instrumentalists often strap on their instruments and power through when they are ill. Unfortunately, it is not that simple for vocalists when the nature of an illness can make it physically impossible to sing. Such is the case in this instance.”

The BDTC is working to reschedule the band for a future date.