KSP Post 16, OC law enforcement come together to host “Jerry Critchelow Memorial Shop with a Trooper”

In Local, News by OC Monitor Staff

The law enforcement shopping crew gearing up prior to shopping with the children. (Photo by KSP Post 16)

BEAVER DAM, Ky. — The Kentucky State Police Professional Association District 16 conducted its annual “Shop with a Trooper” program Saturday in memory of retired KSP Trooper Jerry Critchelow, who passed away earlier this year.  This program is designed to assist children in need during the Christmas season and Critchelow was instrumental in its success for decades.

Trooper Jay Newcom helping pick out the perfect toy. (Photo by KSP Post 16)

Around 170 families, KSP troopers and families, local telecommunicators, Beaver Dam Police Department, Hartford Police Department, Ohio County Sheriff’s Department, Ohio County Constables and Kentucky Probation and Parole met at the Beaver Dam Walmart and paired with these families. Each child was allocated roughly $100 due to generous donations. The shopping lists consisted of several items including coats, pants, shirts, shoes, hats, gloves, and of course, toys.

The KSP would like to thank all of those who contributed to this needed program including KSPPA, Walmart, and all those who gave anonymously. KSP Post 16 offers a special thanks to Jerry’s daughter Amanda Critchelow Fitzgerald and Ohio Sheriff’s Deputy Katie Pate for their integral role in the fundraising efforts and its success.

The late Jerry Critchelow and daughter Amanda (Critchelow) Fitzgerald. (Photo by KSP Post 16)