Ray Goff, candidate for Ohio County judge-executive.
Dear Citizen of Ohio County,
Please allow me to take a few moments of your time to introduce myself. My name is Ray Goff, I am running for county judge-executive.
I grew up and went to school in Ohio County. This is my home. I love Ohio County and all its great people. I have two grown adopted children, Hayden and Savannah. I graduated from Western Kentucky and entered the US Air Force. I retired as an Air Force Officer after 28 years. I own my own self-employed OSHA training and consulting business for 11 years.
I’m running an honest, simple, and straightforward campaign. My vision is to be the bridge to the future for Ohio County.
If elected as your county judge-executive I will be accessible and honest. I will help step up economic and educational activity in Ohio County.
I will work hard to:
• Get High-Speed Internet in all areas of Ohio County.
• Increase our electric power grid by working with TVA to bring more industry into Ohio County.
• Help make Ohio County a place where young people want to live.
• Create sustainable, exciting outdoor and indoor activities for all ages. Such as a water park, ATV trail parks, and kayak loading areas.
• Help develop more low-cost senior and young adult living opportunities.
• Increase our manpower pool of educated and trained employees.
• Engage with our school systems to encourage more vocational, technical, and tradesmen students in Ohio County.
I am committed to the growth and vitality of Ohio County and its communities. At the heart of this is a belief that we must all work to build the economic underpinnings of our community and industrial structure.
Reminder to voters to turn out for Election Day or to mail in those early ballots by May 17, 2022.