AARP opens 5th annual Community Challenge grant program

In Local, News, State by OC Monitor Staff

WASHINGTON, D.C. — AARP has opened the Community Challenge grant program for the 5th year. This program funds “quick action” projects to make communities more livable for people of all ages and jump-start long-term change.
Applications are being accepted now through 8 p.m. April 14, 2021, and must be submitted through Projects must be completed by Nov. 10, 2021. The program is open to 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)(6) nonprofits and government entities. Other types of organizations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Projects are typically funded in the $5,000 – $20,000 range.
Since 2017, AARP has awarded 560 grants through the Community Challenge to organizations in all 50 states, D.C, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Past projects have demonstrated an ability to help grantees garner additional funds or support from public and private funders, encourage replication and overcome local policy barriers, and receive greater overall awareness and engagement.
AARP will prioritize projects that deliver inclusive solutions that meet the needs of diverse populations, as well as those that directly engage volunteers through permanent or temporary solutions that aim to achieve one or more of the following outcomes:
  • Creating vibrant public places;
  • Delivering a range of transportation and mobility options;
  • Supporting a range of housing options;
  • Increasing civic engagement and demonstrating the tangible value of “Smart Cities;”
  • Supporting local recovery from the coronavirus pandemic;
  • Ensuring a focus on diversity and inclusion while improving the built and social environment of a community; and
  • Other innovative projects.
Visit for more information and to see some of the winners in action – helping to revitalize alleyways, create vibrant public spaces, design safer crosswalks and much more! Feel free to pose questions by emailing