Johnston gives weekly COVID-19 update

In Local, News by Lee Bratcher

By Lee Bratcher/OC Monitor

HARTFORD, Ky. — Ohio County Judge-Executive David Johnston just finished a livestream COVID-19 update on the Ohio County Fiscal Court Facebook page. In the update, Johnston went over the county’s COVDI-19 stats and spoke about the recent deaths and how the disease seems to be spreading.

“We’re rapidly getting new cases, as more are recovering as well,” Johnston said. “The most concerning thing in our communities is we’ve had nine deaths. Which is the most of any (county) in the (Green River Area Development District). And (for our population), it shouldn’t be that way at all.”

Johnston talked about one “commonality” of those contracting COVID-19 in Ohio County.

“They’ve attended events, seems to be the big commonality. That means they’ve gone to places (with a gathering of people),” Johnston said of recent COVID-19 patients. “Workplaces don’t seem to be producing (cases) now, nearly as much. It seems to be those that are going to gatherings, is where it’s at.”

As a reminder that COVID-19 doesn’t just cause the death of elderly people, Johnston said the latest COVID-19 death in Ohio County was “not an old person.”

“With that in mind, everybody needs to be careful and not get the disease,” Johnston said. “I urge you all to keep doing what you know to do to keep from getting the disease because it’s hurting our community, it’s hurting our families.”

Johnston expressed his belief Ohio County could get things “under control” and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

To view Johnston’s livestreamed COVID-19 update, click here.