Com-Care EMS sends assistance to NYC, in need of PPE

In Local, News by OC Monitor Staff

HARTFORD, Ky. — Com-Care EMS is providing help to both Ohio County and New York City during the COVID-19 crisis.

This morning, Com-Care EMS sent two advanced life support ambulances and crew to assist the New York City Fire Department EMS.

“I want to assure our communities that this limited response in no way hampers our ability to provide a high level of care to our counties,” said Jim Duke, president of Com-Care. “We are only sending four employees out of a total of five counties, and when these staff members leave New York, we are having them undergo a two-week quarantine before returning to work.”

EMS services across the state continue to struggle to obtain necessary personal protective equipment to ensure staff remains safe during the course of their jobs. Com-Care is diligent in stocking the PPE needed, but there are two areas in short supply at Com-Care, isolation gowns and face shields.

If anyone wants to help Com-Care during this crisis, the best way would be the donation of isolation gowns and face shields. If you are able to make a donation of those items or need more information on how you can help, call 270-298-4415.

Com-Care strongly supports Governor Andy Beshear’s stance on maintaining social distancing and asks those in our community to listen to the guidance offered daily regarding the practice. Everyone should stay home. If you must travel to the store or other necessary places, be very careful and avoid close contact with others.