Submitted by Josh Wright, Republican candidate for 5th District Constable
I am Josh Wright and I am seeking the office of constable in the Fifth District. My wife Amanda and I live in the Prentiss area and have been blessed with a beautiful baby boy, Jax. We both grew up in the Fifth District and look forward to raising our son in the Fifth District.
I served as the Ohio County Animal Control Officer for eight and half years and served as Fifth District Constable from 2007-2010. I still work for the county as Maintenance Supervisor for the courthouse and community center.
If I am fortunate to be elected once again as your Fifth District Constable, I will be available and accessible to all the fine people of our district. I have a good working relationship with our sheriff’s office, as well as all the city police departments and I think this will be a very important asset as your constable.
I have and will try to see as many of you as I can over the next few weeks, but if I do not make it to see you personally, I humbly ask for your vote May 22 for Fifth District Constable.